Puzzle: Biased Coin Toss
Apr 21, 2019 #monte-carlo
From this paper “What’s Past Is Not Prologue” comes a quiz,
You are presented with two coins: one is fair, and the other has a 60% chance of coming up heads. Unfortunately, you don’t know which is which. How many flips would you need to perform in parallel on the two coins to give yourself a 95% chance of correctly identifying the biased one?
The following demonstrates 2 simulation methods to obtain the result.
# ggplot theme
old <- theme_set(theme_tufte() + theme(text = element_text(family = 'Menlo')))
# limit range from 50 to 200 flips
flips = 50:200
trials = 3000
# Method One --------------------------------------------------------------
# actually simulate the action of tossing 2 coins
method_one <- function(x) {
regular = rbinom(x, 1, .5)
biased = rbinom(x, 1, .6)
# return
sum(biased) - sum(regular)
# repeat action and bind into a data frame
res_method_one <-
map_dbl(flips, ~ {
sum(replicate(trials, method_one(.x)) > 0) / trials
}) %>%
bind_cols(flip = flips, prob = .)
# first occurance
min_flip_of_method_one <-
res_method_one %>%
filter(prob >= 0.95) %>%
# visualize result
res_method_one %>%
ggplot(aes(flip, prob)) +
geom_line() +
geom_vline(xintercept = min_flip_of_method_one$flip, lty = 4, col = "red") +
geom_hline(yintercept = min_flip_of_method_one$prob, lty = 4, col = "red") +
x = min_flip_of_method_one$flip,
y = .5,
label = as.character(min_flip_of_method_one$flip)
) +
scale_y_continuous(breaks = seq(.5, 1, .1), labels = scales::percent)
# Method Two --------------------------------------------------------------
# we will reuse this function repeatedly to test different diff flips
method_two <- function(x) {
# how many tosses?
regular = RV(1:x, dbinom(1:x, size = x, prob = .5))
biased = RV(1:x, dbinom(1:x, size = x, prob = .6))
# joint pmf
jpmf <- joint(regular, biased)
# probability = proportion of combination of possible outcomes
tibble(prob = probs(jpmf), comb = outcomes(jpmf)) %>%
separate(comb, c("fair", "biased"), ",", convert = TRUE) %>%
# if biased lands more than unbiased coin, choose correctly
# if both lands the same, choose randomly
mutate(correct = case_when(biased > fair ~ 1.0,
biased == fair ~ 0.5,
biased < fair ~ 0.0)) %>%
# the likelihood that guessing correctly happens
mutate(likelihood = prob * correct) %>%
filter(correct > 0) %>%
summarise(conf = sum(likelihood)) %>%
# loop thru flips
res_method_two <-
flips %>%
map_dbl( ~ method_two(.x) ) %>%
bind_cols(flip = flips, prob = .)
# minimum flip to obtain 95% confidence
min_flip_of_method_two <-
res_method_two %>%
filter(prob >= 0.95) %>%
res_method_two %>%
ggplot(aes(flip, prob)) +
geom_line() +
geom_vline(xintercept = min_flip_of_method_two$flip, lty = 4, col = "red") +
geom_hline(yintercept = min_flip_of_method_two$prob, lty = 4, col = "red") +
x = min_flip_of_method_two$flip,
y = .5,
label = as.character(min_flip_of_method_two$flip)
) +
scale_y_continuous(breaks = seq(.5, 1, .1), labels = scales::percent)